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Orion Drive > Freeman Dyson Freeman Dyson Born in the United Kingdom, Freeman John Dyson (1923-) is an American mathematician and physicist. He has made important contributions in the fields of nuclear engineering, quantum mechanics, and solid-state physics, but is also known for his predictions about the future (not always correct, but in his own words, "it is better to be wrong than to be vague"), and his ideas about space exploration, space colonization (including a favorite idea of science fiction authors, the "Dyson sphere"), and the search for extra terrestrial life. Dyson was team leader of Project Orion and a leading advocate. When the project ended, he wrote an empassioned plea for the project to continue in the journal Science Here are some books by Freeman Dyson: Disclosure: Products details and descriptions provided by Amazon.com. Our company may receive a payment if you purchase products from them after following a link from this website.
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